Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Water Pollution and Population Growth by Matt Rogers

A lot of people aren’t aware about the major affects water pollution has on the population growth of oceanic organisms. Many organisms are dying because of water contamination. One of the most common ways fish and other organisms die is by the lack of oxygen there is in the polluted water. Also, the dumping of pesticides and other toxic residue causes many organisms to lose their life. The death rate of oceanic organisms continues to increase. If water pollution doesn’t stop happening, the rate of death will continue to increase as well as the emigration rate. Emigration could be defined as the act of leaving ones country or region to settle in another. If, for example, a clown fish’s home is being destroyed and contaminated by toxic waste and harmful chemicals, the clown fish will eventually emigrate from its home and immigrate to another region of the ocean floor. Emigration isn’t necessarily a good thing. Some species may take larger amounts of time to adapt to their new homes than others will. If those species can’t adapt, then they will die out.

Immigration could also very easily become a big problem. Immigration is the introduction of new people or species into a habitat. If there are organisms continually emigrating from their homes and immigrating into other species habitats, then there could be conflict between the organisms and result in more emigration or death. If there continues to be death among species, sooner or later that species will become extinct. If a species becomes extinct, the end result of that would be a huge drop in birth rates for that specific species. Marine life is easily affected, so the best thing that we can do to prevent these horrible things to happen is to simply not pollute the water.


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  2. Very Informative and good blogs .
    Thanks for share with us knowledge about
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  3. water pollution affect aquatic life which very dangerous for ecosystem.

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  4. This helped, Thank you!

  5. But how does population growth affect the water supply?

  6. water pollution is very dangerous to health
    we must take care our water we drink
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